Friday, February 20, 2009

Um Gottes Willen!

what the hell is going on in a guys head when they decide it would be a good idea to hit on a girl when she is on the phone? this happened to me twice today, i was just walking along in the mall during my lunch talking to my mom on the phone and these idiots try talking to me. i ignored them, and then like two minutes later it happened again. now i know some people are just dense, but what did they think i was gonna do, stop my conversation that i chose to be having to talk to the inconsiderate Arschlochs who were interrupting it. the best part of all of this was that they had the nerve to be pissed off when i didn't pay attention to them and say some unsavory things about me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i'd guess, you'd say, what can make me feel this way...

today was awesome, well work wasn't, but who cares, everything else made up for it.

phillip is amazing, he's perfect

so first of all he brought me white roses and chocolates, it made me happy

then we went to go see friday the thirteenth, which was funny because he doesn't like scary movies, so i don't think he really watched any of it, it was really funny watching his reaction to everything

ate at fresh choice, it tasted yummy

after that we just hung out for a while, overall pretty good day, best valentine's day ever for me ^_^

super happy time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

pretty ^_^

i like this picture. it's of this place down a trial around the street from my house, and i really wasn't supposed to go in there because there are a bunch of signs telling people not to, but it was so pretty, so i go there sometimes anyway. anyways, i just wanted to share it with everyone.

so today i went to work, and one of my friends got laid off while i was there.

it made me sad.....

i went to a movie with phillip, we saw taken, it was a good movie, but i've decieded it was too manly of a movie for phillip, long story, and i gave him his birthday present finally, i got him this cloud action figure that i wanted to play with. he doesn't want to open it, we'll see how long that lasts.

well, i really should go do homework now, so yeah
bye bye

Monday, February 2, 2009


so i'm super lucky.

there's really no need to explain this, just super lucky with everything.


that's about it