Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is my bunny, she does not like being touched, damn rabbit.

subject jumping...

So yesterday i wrote 5 two- page papers. Yes five, i should stop procrastinating.

I really need to get off my ass and start doing something, anything that takes me more than ten brain cells would be a good start. I need ideas....

So it is stupid to be afraid of death. I know a lot of people who are, and i really don't understand it. Why be afraid of the end when the journey is where things happen? I mean, with diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's there are times when it would be worse to live.

thought of the day: What would you do if you let the love of your life get away for a stupid reason and they found someone else before you realized it?

moral: Treasure what you have, and never give up someone you need, even if they are the one trying to get away. You'll hate yourself if you do.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


blah, i don't wanna go to school tomorrow, i'm just too tired....

well, actually i just have too much homework and not enough of a commitment to do it, i'm not sure if i am ever gonna get caught up

argh, i need a time machine

i think some of frustration may be from the fact that i haven't gotten to hang out with anyone in a while, everyone is always busy when i have free time and i'm tired of doing things by myself. i know i should stop complaining and do something about it if i want things to change, but whatever, i think i'm just gonna start looking into something awesome that i can do over the summer.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I came to a conclusion today...

I think that everyone would die in awe if Dr. Newnham and Rob sang a duet, any song at all, instant death.

It would totally be worth it though.