Thursday, May 21, 2009

life update...

so school is finally over. Yay! no more chemistry until next semester.
I plan to spend my whole summer doing five things. Working, hanging out with friends, reading, filling out scholarships for school money, and reading. All equally important things to do, which is why reading is on there twice, since it is twice as important.

I just got home from Foothill's Pops Concert. It was super fun because i got to hang out with a bunch of my favorite people that i don't get to see otherwise, mainly taylor and james, no offence to everyone else, i love you all too.

Before the concert i was over at King and Taka's house and i got to help taka make rice bags. That was fun, and since they didn't all get eaten i brought some home and now i am eating one, yummy. Good babies in their coffins. lolo

so even though i wish i was at fanime, it was a good day.

anyways, all should be proud of me, i actually put down my 4th book in the "dances with wolves" series to write this, but now i really want to know what happens, so i will return to it.

night night everyone

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