Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have defeated twilight!

so two days ago i was at a used bookstore and picked up a copy of twilight, just to see what it was about. then that night when i got off at 10:30 i decided to start reading it, i finished it at 6:00am. I'm proud of myself, one more book to check off the reading list. However, now i have to add three because i actually enjoyed the book. I still don't know if I'm going to watch the movies ever, but at least now i will understand who people are when everyone starts talking about the new movie.

oh, and for Taylor's information, Bella is not shallow, stupid at times yes, but not shallow.

Monday, November 2, 2009

why you shouldn't go to class


unless there is a test.

1. class is a time to listen to the stupid blond girl in the second row tell everyone that Rosa parks freed the slaves through the underground railroad.

2. when you sit in class you spend at least 15 minutes staring at a clock that doesn't seem to move, then you realize our school is kinda janky and the clock is broken.

3. i have never found a practical use for finding the derivative of a trigonometric function, or the need to be able to talk with mixed company about how nationalism led America's irrational hatred of communism, even though we have never seen communism carried out as the idea says.

4. most classes will not let you eat.

5. teachers would be fairer in their grading if they didn't have to watch the smartest student sleeping through their lecture.

6. in the time you spend sitting through class you could wikipedia 2 articles and learn more useful information.

7. while completing school gives people an idea of your commitment to education, most jobs will give you the training you need (even doctors are led through all procedures a few times).

8. how many of the subjects you are taking actually interest you?

9. important conversations get interrupted when someone notices that their class started 10 minutes ago.

10. we are already paying for the class and the teacher to be there, why does it matter if we show up.
the toothfairy is a metaphor for welfare
welfare is socialism
socialism is a communist idea
therefore, by the transitive property, the toothfairy is a damn red commie.

also taylor watched 17 again and found it suprisingly good....

giraffes have black tounges

craig means peter in scottish

cinchillas have freakishly large ears.

felicia is wearing purple, which she does not do, i am confused

i will come back and blog in a little while, i can't think

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hmm, a lot has been going on.

my one year anniversary with phillip just passed, that was fun.
the day ended driving one of phillips friend home who was drunk. lol

work has been very amusing, people keep yelling at me, many different reasons, too much drama, i just listen and laugh later.

oh, so i've totally decided that i love mini golf, awesome fun, i had a blast yesterday except when my ball went in the water and phillip went to fish it out.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

i need...

to figure out why i am so hesitant to follow the path i have laid out for myself.

the only problem is i already know the answer and it isn't making my search for a new path any easier.

as it is, there are too many things that i don't want to say for fear of what they mean.

ugh, well, off to work, at least there i can try to sort through this with none of the affected people around.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Coming of Age

I got to thinking today, while i was texting taylor, and i think it is funny how they tell all high school students that this is the beginning of their lives. I mean average life expectancy is about 80 years old. That means that by the time a high school student graduates at the age of 18 about 1/4 of their life is over.

Does it really take a quarter of a persons life for them to get started? Sure, there are some things you are beginning, like getting a job, finding the "one", moving out of your parents house, but aren't most of a persons belief system set by this point. I don't just mean in a religious sence, but values, morals, some sence of what a person wants, or at least doesn't want, to do with their life should already be acheived.

Who was the person who decieded that all of this should count for nothing more than the building blocks of life?

Honestly, i feel that if we allow children to believe that they don't have to start their lives until after high school we are breeding future generations that will have no reason not to put that time off for an even later date, such as graduating college, or having children. Look at what we have come from, in earlier times, by the age of 18 you would already be married, have a profession, and kids hopefullyon the way. Understandably life expectancy can be used against me on this matter since it was also lower during those days, but i still feel that our generation has let the need for children to "grow up" slip by.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

work ^_^

so today this lady came up to me at work, and she was like"i don't know why they keep saying you guys have great customer service, there is no customer service here."

first of all, if you are talking to someone who works there, you have customer service, maybe not good service, but service none-the-less.

then she was like, "there is stuff all over the floor, and there aren't any mirrors, and no one is around to help."

so i asked her if i could help her with anything, thinking that was what was wrong....

no, she says, "i don't need your help with anything, i just think it is ridiculous that your store keeps saying it has good customer service!"

please don't yell at me, i can't change anything.

and i tried telling her that i was sorry that she was having a bad experience, but that it was just because we didn't have as many people as we would like due to the economy.

then she goes on about how mad she was and that there aren't enough people working......

seriously, i just admitted we don't have enough people working, i tried to do my best, but i guess that wasn't good enough for this lady. well, i can't do everything.

people are funny when they go shopping.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

In case you were wondering.

In 1840, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow became the first American to have plumbing installed in his house.

life update...

so school is finally over. Yay! no more chemistry until next semester.
I plan to spend my whole summer doing five things. Working, hanging out with friends, reading, filling out scholarships for school money, and reading. All equally important things to do, which is why reading is on there twice, since it is twice as important.

I just got home from Foothill's Pops Concert. It was super fun because i got to hang out with a bunch of my favorite people that i don't get to see otherwise, mainly taylor and james, no offence to everyone else, i love you all too.

Before the concert i was over at King and Taka's house and i got to help taka make rice bags. That was fun, and since they didn't all get eaten i brought some home and now i am eating one, yummy. Good babies in their coffins. lolo

so even though i wish i was at fanime, it was a good day.

anyways, all should be proud of me, i actually put down my 4th book in the "dances with wolves" series to write this, but now i really want to know what happens, so i will return to it.

night night everyone

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm back.....kinda

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions...
Pick an artist: Green Day
1.) Are you a male or female?She's a Rebel
2.) Describe yourself:Extraordinary Girl
3.) How do you feel about yourself?The grouch
4.) Describe where you currently live.Welcome to Paradise
5.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go?Church on Sunday
6.) Your best friends are:Poprocks and Coke
7.) Your favorite colour is:Rotting
8.) You know that:Nice Guys Finish Last
9.) What's the weather like?Jaded
10.) If your life was a television show, what would it be called?I Want to be on TV
11.) What is life to you?Don't Want to Fall in Love
12.) What is the best advice you have to give?Good Riddance
13.) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?King for a Day

It has been so long since i posted, oh well, everyone who reads this also sees me all the time which is probably why i don't write on here more.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is my bunny, she does not like being touched, damn rabbit.

subject jumping...

So yesterday i wrote 5 two- page papers. Yes five, i should stop procrastinating.

I really need to get off my ass and start doing something, anything that takes me more than ten brain cells would be a good start. I need ideas....

So it is stupid to be afraid of death. I know a lot of people who are, and i really don't understand it. Why be afraid of the end when the journey is where things happen? I mean, with diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's there are times when it would be worse to live.

thought of the day: What would you do if you let the love of your life get away for a stupid reason and they found someone else before you realized it?

moral: Treasure what you have, and never give up someone you need, even if they are the one trying to get away. You'll hate yourself if you do.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


blah, i don't wanna go to school tomorrow, i'm just too tired....

well, actually i just have too much homework and not enough of a commitment to do it, i'm not sure if i am ever gonna get caught up

argh, i need a time machine

i think some of frustration may be from the fact that i haven't gotten to hang out with anyone in a while, everyone is always busy when i have free time and i'm tired of doing things by myself. i know i should stop complaining and do something about it if i want things to change, but whatever, i think i'm just gonna start looking into something awesome that i can do over the summer.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I came to a conclusion today...

I think that everyone would die in awe if Dr. Newnham and Rob sang a duet, any song at all, instant death.

It would totally be worth it though.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Um Gottes Willen!

what the hell is going on in a guys head when they decide it would be a good idea to hit on a girl when she is on the phone? this happened to me twice today, i was just walking along in the mall during my lunch talking to my mom on the phone and these idiots try talking to me. i ignored them, and then like two minutes later it happened again. now i know some people are just dense, but what did they think i was gonna do, stop my conversation that i chose to be having to talk to the inconsiderate Arschlochs who were interrupting it. the best part of all of this was that they had the nerve to be pissed off when i didn't pay attention to them and say some unsavory things about me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i'd guess, you'd say, what can make me feel this way...

today was awesome, well work wasn't, but who cares, everything else made up for it.

phillip is amazing, he's perfect

so first of all he brought me white roses and chocolates, it made me happy

then we went to go see friday the thirteenth, which was funny because he doesn't like scary movies, so i don't think he really watched any of it, it was really funny watching his reaction to everything

ate at fresh choice, it tasted yummy

after that we just hung out for a while, overall pretty good day, best valentine's day ever for me ^_^

super happy time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

pretty ^_^

i like this picture. it's of this place down a trial around the street from my house, and i really wasn't supposed to go in there because there are a bunch of signs telling people not to, but it was so pretty, so i go there sometimes anyway. anyways, i just wanted to share it with everyone.

so today i went to work, and one of my friends got laid off while i was there.

it made me sad.....

i went to a movie with phillip, we saw taken, it was a good movie, but i've decieded it was too manly of a movie for phillip, long story, and i gave him his birthday present finally, i got him this cloud action figure that i wanted to play with. he doesn't want to open it, we'll see how long that lasts.

well, i really should go do homework now, so yeah
bye bye

Monday, February 2, 2009


so i'm super lucky.

there's really no need to explain this, just super lucky with everything.


that's about it

Saturday, January 31, 2009

another one for the USA, not!

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 degrees Celsius. The Russians used a pencil.

*insert low brass special right here*

yeah, i wanted to say some stuff, but i am dead tired, i'll post tomorrow..............

Friday, January 30, 2009

it's the animaniacs!

Heigh ho!
Do you know,
The names of the US Residents
Who then became the Presidents
And got a view from the White House loo
Of Pennsylvania Avenue...

the animaniacs are awesome, they totally taught me everything i know!

so today i'm helping run a little store thing that happens every friday at my brothers school, they get fake money for doing good things, like turning in their homework, or helping out the teacher, and then they get to come to the store and buy some toys and notebooks and stuff. It's cute because some of them are sweet and buy stuff for their brothers and sisters or parents.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

super sad

so, i can't go to phillip's surprise party on Saturday because, surprise, i have work. So, that's lame.

hating chemistry more than ever, but making more friends in there at the same time.

oh, i gained two names today.

one is slim, which came about after this black guy that april, taka, and i walked past was on his phone and he goes "nigga, slim, thug, you told me to call you," in a hella loud, wanna be gansta, voice. it was so funny.

the other is big bob, which nathan affectionately named me after i gave him the lovely title of betty.

anyways, i should probably go do homework now and house is on, yay!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Felicia wanted me to put this picture up...
so this one's for her.
"i'm going to eat your poo," says felicia


I hates chemistry! It is really stupid, oh wait, that's me. Well, either way i don't think it's a class i'm gonna do very well in, mostly just because i'm really lazy. so, today i have to go take the chemistry assesment test to find out if i'm really ready to take this class, it would suck if i didn't pass because i can't return any of the books now. the stupid assesment center doesn't open until 1 though so i'm stuck at school until then with only felicia's laptop to keep me entertained....

anyways, other than chem, my eastern humanities course seems to be tons of work, but totally worth it, i love the books.

i don't know what to write about anymore, so random topic...


the trombone section is full of idiots, well besides myself and matt, i think that's his name, so i guess just two idiots. for some unknown reason all the music gets passed out to them and i swear they sit there staring at it for like ten minutes, they did the same thing last semester, but at least then they always passed down the first part. this time around they have decieded to take it for themselves whenever there is an interesting part, and i really wouldn't care normally, because i don't even like playing first, but they can't play it right! there should be a rule against this, but sadly i don't think there is anything i can do, don't think that will stop me from trying though.

i want some food, but good food doesn't start being served until ten, so damn the next half an hour, and damn school for making me still be here.

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage."
-- Winston Churchill
Why is it that people get so offended when when i tell them they are being an idiot, but they can keep on going on about how open minded they are? If they were really open minded wouldn't they be able to accept that they are an idiot. i know this is a little much of me to ask of someone, but really, no one is open minded. Everyone has their preconceived notions of why things are the way they are, that is the way it is. A person might be willing to listen to others ideas, and take input from them to maybe change their own view, but that is not being open minded. You can only be open minded in a relative context to other people. Also, everyone i have ever met is an idiot about certain subjects, why is that so hard to accept?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

today sucked, mostly

Woke up with horrible stomach pains, and my day didn't really get any better. Sat on the couch for most of the day, feeling like i was dying. Good thing that there was a Burn Notice marathon, because otherwise i would have killed over. I got insanely bored after using the stumbleupon button for four hours and had to get out of my house, so i walked down to my brother's school where my mom hangs out every day and took a bunch of pictures.
Oh yeah, so the one good thing that happened today was that Phillip's birthday present showed up today. I hope he likes it, i told him if he doesn't then he better just pretend really hard that he does. It's just too bad that i don't get to see him very much anymore. I refuse to accept that there is any kind of reason for this, and i'm just gonna keep on trying. :-)
My bookcase almost killed my computer tonight while i was on the phone with felicia. It is this really tall cd rack thing that i use for my manga books and it just came crashing down. Literally, if it had been over 2cm more my computer would no longer exist. But more importantly, all of the books escaped damage. YAY! So i guess i should probably fix that tomorrow... and then i think i'm gonna go up to the school so i can get some work done, hopefully.
Before i forget, the picture is of a crane that likes to hang out at my brother's school.

I think this is a great article. Haha guys, if women show you nothing you will die sooner.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fact of the day

St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was not Irish.


Felicia, also know as Fishie, Ed,and sometimes hey you, she is my best friend! Without her i would be more depressed than an emo kid that just lost his hair to cancer. She has really bad luck with guys, but hopefully that will change soon. She has too dance to live, and she also has to be helping people. That's just who she is. People have said that we are basically the same person, because we are pretty much attached, and share everything, but we deny it. We are more like yin and yang, and i get to be yang, because i think it sounds cooler! Anyways, i give her a hard time a lot, but i still love her, and i hope she knows that.


Phillip, um, i don't know what to say. I love him. He's a crazy dork at times, but that might be the best part about him. I've been going out with him for seven months now, and i'm lovin every minute of it.

three days off

I have the next three days off, so i'm gonna get ahead on my school work. People at work are annoying me right now because hours are getting cut, and even the people who are still getting 30 hours a week are complaining about wanting more hours. I tried telling them that wasn't gonna happen, but they are stupid and won't listen to me, so i'm pretty glad i don't have to deal with them too much this week.
School starts tomorrow, and i'm super happy. I haven't been able to see some people as much as i want lately, and by some people i mean phillip, so not only am i happy because it's school, but i get to see everyone again, yay! My asian humanities online class already has hella work that i should be doing right now, but House is on so that's not gonna happen.
oh yeah, i'm obsessed with the all-american rejects right now


So i'm gonna tell everyone about my awesome friends. To the right is Taylor, he is amazing. Two nights ago he proposed to me, oh dang! But seriously, he is always there if i need to talk and i try to be there for him. He is one of my guard kiddies, one of the few who ever practiced, so i love him even more.

oh crap, i just found out that susan surandon has the same birthday as me, how creepy, that is what rabbiman used to call me before he remembered my name.

Friday, January 16, 2009

hey ya'll

So i guess i'll try this out for a little while at least. Though i really hope no one expects me to be blogging a great amount. I'm not really one of the people who can fill up a whole page about what they did each day, i like to have topics to write about, and the one thing i'm sure of is that i will get some very opinionated posts up here eventually.
Today i went up to ARC and sat around for Felicia and Taka to show up for like an hour, good thing i had a book with me. ^_^ Then we went around and got all their stuff taken care of and went to the book store where i found a bunch of books i wanted to buy for classes i'm not even taking. If you haven't heard i kinda have an obbsession with books. After all that we went over to Foothill where i got to hang out with my second boyfriend, don't worry he's gay, his family just assumes i'm his girlfriend and we don't tell them otherwise. Anyways, now i'm home and just listening to the All American Rejects, so it was a pretty good day, even if that was mostly due to me not having work.
Well, that's it for my first post, i pity anyone who reads this right now, it's really boring.